Search a post by its slug



Allows you to search for an entry based on the slug and the type of entry (Public, Draft, Private, etc).

Information provided

When executed, this operation delivers the following data, which can be used in the same automatic task.

  • Tags

  • Post Id {{post_id}}

  • Post URL {{post_url}}

  • Post Title {{post_title}}

  • Post Content {{post_content}}

  • Excerpt {{excerpt}}

Common Errors

Error: rest_forbidden_context. Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts in this post type.

This error indicates that the user doesn't have the necessary permissions to edit posts in the specific context where the action is being attempted.

To resolve this issue, it's necessary to ensure that the user has the appropriate permissions. An alternative that might work would be to modify the 'context' field in your task and select the option 'Extract the entry for viewing'.

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