Automatically If there are Hot Products for a category

AliExpress Affiliates


Returns the next 'Hot Product' found for a specific category.

  • ALiExpress Hot Product has a high commission in the affiliate program.
  • You can specify a keyword as well as a category to optimize your search.
  • According to the limitations established by AliExpress for its API, not all categories have products.
  • To access the Hot Product catalog it is necessary to request access to AliExpress Advanced API .
  • AliExpress returns a single price for each of its products, usually the sale price before applying possible discounts.
  • You can select between products from the entire catalog offered by AliExpress or only those from the PLAZA platform (products, stores, shipments and warranty in Spain).
  • You can exclude products that share very similar names from the results.

AliExpress Advanced API

To access the Hot Product catalog, you must request access to the AliExpress Advanced API from the App Management section of their website.

Once in this section, click on the Apply for Permissions link as you can see in the following image. AliExpress will ask you to describe in a minimum of 100 words the usage scenarios and the added value that you plan to contribute before they grant you access.

AliExpress Affiliates Advanced API

Information provided

When executed, this operation delivers the following data, which can be used in the same automatic task.

  • Tags

  • Product Id {{product_id}}

    Product Id

  • Product URL {{product_url}}

    Product detail URL

  • Affiliate Product URL {{affiliate_url}}

    Product detail URL with the user's affiliate code

  • Image URL {{image_url}}

    Main Product image URL

  • Title {{title}}

    Product Title

  • Original Price {{target_original_price}}

    Original price in target currency

  • Sale Price {{target_sale_price}}

    Non-App sale price in target currency

  • Currency {{currency}}

    Target Currency

  • Site Price {{site_price}}

    Price displayed on the AliExpress website. This price may differ from the price indicated on the 'target_sale_price' tag

Common Errors

TrackingId input parameter error

You currently have more than one Tracking ID associated with your AliExpress account. To properly execute this automation, it is necessary for you to edit the task and specify the Tracking ID you want to use in the 'Tracking Id' field

App does not have permission to access this api

To access AliExpress's 'Hot Product' catalog, it is necessary to request access to the AliExpress Advanced API at

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