Get 10 products by ASIN code

Amazon Associates


Extract a list of up to 10 products by their ASIN codes.

  • EU Omnibus regulation (allows to show the lowest price of the last 30 days as a reference price).

Information provided

When executed, this operation delivers the following data, which can be used in the same automatic task.

  • Tags

  • Amazon Products {{products}}

    List of Amazon products

  • ASIN {{products.0.asin}}

    ASIN stands for Amazon Standard Identification Number.
    It is a unique identifier of 10 letters or numbers used mainly for the identification of products within the Amazon catalog.

  • Product URL {{products.0.url}}

    Product detail URL with the user's affiliate code

  • Image URL {{products.0.image_url}}

    Main Product image URL

  • Title {{products.0.title}}

    Product Title

  • Features {{products.0.features}}

    Product Features

  • Product Group {{products.0.product_group}}

    Product Category.
    For example: Video on Demand

  • Current price {{products.0.price}}

    Current price (after saving percentage) in target currency.
    For example: 22.99

  • Price:Currency {{products.0.currency}}

    Target Currency.
    For example: EUR

  • Current price:Formated {{products.0.display_amount}}

    Current price (after saving percentage) formated in target currency.
    For example: 22,99 €

  • Saving:Amount {{products.0.savings_amount}}

    Sales prices in target currency.
    For example: 17

  • Saving:Currency {{products.0.savings_currency}}

    Target Currency.
    For example: EUR

  • Saving:Formated {{products.0.savings_display_amount}}

    Sales price formated in target currency.
    For example: 17,00 € (43%)

  • Saving:Percentage {{products.0.savings_display_percentage}}

    Saving Percentage.
    For example: 43

  • Original Price:Amount {{products.0.original_price}}

    Original price, before discounts.
    For example: 33.99

  • Original Price:Formated {{products.0.display_original_price}}

    Original price, before discounts formated in target currency.
    For example: 33.99 €

  • Lowest Recent Price {{products.0.savingbasis_amount}}

    Strike-Through Pricing and Savings.
    For example: 55.00

  • Lowest Recent Price:Formated {{products.0.savingbasis_display_amount}}

    Strike-Through Pricing and Savings formated in target currency.
    For example: 55.00 €

  • Lowest Recent Price:Label {{products.0.savingbasis_label}}

    Label of Strike-Through Pricing and Savings.
    For example: List price, With deal, Last lowest price, etc

  • Total products {{total_products}}

    Total number of products extracted after applying the different filters, with a maximum of 10.
    For example: 10

Common Errors

No product ID specified. Provide a valid list of product IDs to proceed.

No ASIN product code has been specified in this step of the automation for extraction

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