Get product variations
Amazon Associates
Given an Id or the URL of a product, extract up to a maximum of 10 variations along with their corresponding affiliate link.
Information provided
When executed, this operation delivers the following data, which can be used in the same automatic task.
Product Variations
List of Amazon Variations
ASIN stands for Amazon Standard Identification Number.
It is a unique identifier of 10 letters or numbers used mainly for the identification of products within the Amazon catalog. -
Product URL
Product detail URL with the user's affiliate code
Image URL
Main Product image URL
Product Title
Product Features
Product Group
Product Category.
For example: Video on Demand -
Current price
Current price (after saving percentage) in target currency.
For example: 22.99 -
Target Currency.
For example: EUR -
Current price:Formated
Current price (after saving percentage) formated in target currency.
For example: 22,99 € -
Sales prices in target currency.
For example: 17 -
Target Currency.
For example: EUR -
Sales price formated in target currency.
For example: 17,00 € (43%) -
Saving Percentage.
For example: 43 -
Original Price:Amount
Original price, before discounts.
For example: 33.99 -
Original Price:Formated
Original price, before discounts formated in target currency.
For example: 33.99 € -
Lowest Recent Price
Strike-Through Pricing and Savings.
For example: 55.00 -
Lowest Recent Price:Formated
Strike-Through Pricing and Savings formated in target currency.
For example: 55.00 € -
Lowest Recent Price:Label
Label of Strike-Through Pricing and Savings.
For example: List price, With deal, Last lowest price, etc -
Variation Attributes
All attributes for this variation.
For example: {"size_name": "XL","color_name": "Red"} -
Total variations
Total number of products variations extracted after applying the different filters, with a maximum of 10.
For example: 10
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