Automatically If there are product deals

Amazon Deals


Returns the next product deal from one or more categories.

  • Available for Amazon Spain, Amazon Brazil, Amazon Mexico, Amazon Italy, Amazon United Kingdom and Amazon USA.
  • Available Amazon categories: Best Deals, Lightning Deals, Deals of the day or Prime Early Access Deals.
  • Returns the deal price, current price and the discount percentage applied.
  • You can specify your affiliate tag to include it in the URLs of each offer.
  • You can filter offers according to an established minimum and maximum price.
  • You can filter offers according to the discount percentage.
  • Up to 30 new offers are added every hour that the automatic task can work with.

Get only the deals you want

Set a minimum discount percentage or a minimum and maximum price. Only offers that conform to the rules you specify will be selected.

720 deals every day, 30 deals every hour

We pull 30 new deals every hour, so you can automate updated posts throughout the day. If you manage to publish all the offers that are available, your tasks will wait for a new group of 30 deals to be available to continue publishing.

Information provided

When executed, this operation delivers the following data, which can be used in the same automatic task.

  • Tags

  • ASIN {{asin}}

  • Product URL {{url}}

  • Image URL {{image_url}}

  • Title {{title}}

  • Price:Currency {{currency}}

  • Deal Price {{deal_price}}

  • Percent Off {{percent_off}}

  • Current Price {{current_price}}

  • Deal end date {{deal_end_at}}

  • Coupon Savings Percentage {{coupon_percent_off}}

  • Coupon Savings amount {{coupon_amount}}

Write us

By email or by Telegram.
Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Spain).

Let's talk

Choose day and time.
We share the screen and answer all your questions.