Automatically If there are products, extract the next one
In a sequential order, returns the next product from a specific merchant.
Information provided
When executed, this operation delivers the following data, which can be used in the same automatic task.
Product Id
Product Id
Product URL
Product detail URL
Affiliate Product URL
Product detail URL with the user's affiliate code
Image URL
Main Product image URL
Product Title
Product Category
Sale Price
Sale price
Original Price
Original price
Saving Amount
Saving Amount
Sale Price:Formated
Sale Price Formated
Original Price:Formated
Original Price Formated
Saving Amount:Formated
Saving Amount Formated
Saving Percentage
Saving Percentage
Common Errors
Feed Id not found
The AWIN Feed specified in your automated task is not valid, you no longer have access to it, or it has changed. Edit your automated task and reselect the Feed.
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