Automatically If there's a new post in a public channel

Telegram Public Channels


It is triggered every time there is a new message on a Telegram Public Channel.

  • Can search for whole words or text strings.
  • Can distinguish upper and lower case.
  • Keywords are not case sensitive.
  • You don't need to register a Telegram bot.
  • You don't need to subscribe to the channel

Information provided

When executed, this operation delivers the following data, which can be used in the same automatic task.

  • Tags

  • Post Id {{post_id}}

    Unique identifier for the post or message

  • Chat Id {{chat_id}}

    Unique identifier for the chat where the post was published

  • URL Message {{url_message}}

    URL address of the published message

  • Message {{message}}

    Content of the published message

  • Message HTML {{message_html}}

    Message in HTML format if the message includes HTML tags. If not, the content of this tag is identical to that of the {{message}} tag

  • Post Date-time {{post_datetime}}

    Date and time when the post was published

  • Image URL {{image_url}}

    URL address of the image related to the post, video or post file

  • Media {{media}}

    Array containing information about the images attached to the post

  • Media 1 {{media.0}}

    URL of the first image attached to the post (if applicable). This URL coincides with the one indicated in the {{image_url}} tag

  • Media 2 {{media.1}}

    URL of the second attached image to the post (if applicable)

  • Media 3 {{media.2}}

    URL of the third attached image to the post (if applicable)

  • Media 4 {{media.3}}

    URL of the fourth attached image to the post (if applicable)

  • Media 5 {{media.4}}

    URL of the fifth attached image to the post (if applicable)

  • Media 6 {{media.5}}

    URL of the sixth attached image to the post (if applicable)

  • Media 7 {{media.6}}

    URL of the seventh attached image to the post (if applicable)

  • Media 8 {{media.7}}

    URL of the eighth attached image to the post (if applicable)

  • Media 9 {{media.8}}

    URL of the ninth attached image to the post (if applicable)

  • Media 10 {{media.9}}

    URL of the tenth attached image to the post (if applicable)

Common Errors

The channel no longer exists or it is public but does not have the preview option enabled

The URL of the channel you have specified in the task belongs to a channel that no longer exists or Telegram does not allow previewing the content, which is necessary for Botize to read the messages.

Telegram may disable the preview for some channels based on the content they publish.

Telegram can disable the preview of certain channels based on the content they publish. You can confirm if this is the cause by opening the channel link in a browser's incognito mode and clicking the 'Preview channel' link that Telegram displays. If the channel's content is not displayed, it's because Telegram has disabled this function.

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Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Spain).

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