Automatically Instantly if bot receives a contact

Telegram Bot


It is triggered every time a user sends a contact from their address book to the bot.

  • To send contacts to a bot, use the attach button in your Telegram application.

Information provided

When executed, this operation delivers the following data, which can be used in the same automatic task.

  • Tags

  • From User Id {{from_id}}

  • Message Id {{message_id}}

  • From Username {{from_name}}

  • From Chat Id {{chat_id}}

  • Reply to message Username {{reply_to_message_username}}

  • Reply to message Text {{reply_to_message_text}}

  • Contact User Id {{contact_user_id}}

  • Contact Phone Number {{contact_phone_number}}

  • Contact First Name {{contact_first_name}}

  • Contact Last Name {{contact_last_name}}

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I limit who can interact with my bot?

You can limit who can interact with your bot by using the 'Task runs when receiving updates from a specific user, group or channel' field in the bot's settings. This field allows you to specify specific users, groups or channels that are able to interact with the bot.

Why can't my bot see messages posted in a Telegram group?

By default, Telegram bots are configured not to listen to messages posted in groups. To allow your bot to see messages in the group, follow these steps:

  • - In your Telegram app, search for the contact @Botfather and enter his chat.
  • - Type the command /mybots in the chat to see the list of Telegram bots you have created.
  • - Select the corresponding bot from the list.
  • - Tap on the 'Group Privacy' option.
  • - Make sure the 'Privacy Mode' option is set to 'Off' so your bot can listen to messages posted by other users in the group.
Another way to ensure that your bot can see all messages posted by group users is to grant it administrator permissions in the group.

How can I pass data to an automatic task that is triggered when a user presses a button?

Yes, by receiving the command from the pressed button in the same task that displays the buttons and then calling to execute the corresponding task as shown in the following video

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