Request the user's location
Whatsapp Business Cloud API
Send a message, an image/video/document or both to a specific chat and wait for the user's response by sending a location.
- The following tags are currently supported in the messages: b, strong , i, em, u, ins, s, strike, del, a, code, pre.
Information provided
When executed, this operation delivers the following data, which can be used in the same automatic task.
From Phone number
Phone number of the user who responded.
For example: 34691000000 -
From User Name
Name of the user who responded.
For example: Mark -
Message Id
Id of the message that WhatsApp has assigned to the user's response.
For example: wamid.HBgLMzQ2BMENBNzI3NAA= -
Location latitude.
For example: 35.6895 -
Location longitude.
For example: 139.69171 -
Location Name
Location name.
Location address.
Location URL.
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