Automate tasks with PrestaShop
Open-source e-commerce platform that allows users to create and manage online stores easily and effectively.
The trigger is the event that starts the automation.
Get the next new product
Returns the next product from a search.
Get the next incompleted product
Return the next product that does not have a description.
The action is what happens automatically, without you having to do anything else.
Search a product by Id
Extract the product indicated by its Id.
Search a product by Reference
Extract the product indicated by its Reference.
Search a manufacturer by Name
Extract the manufacturer indicated by its Name.
Create a Product
Create a new Product.
Update a Product
Update a Product.
Set discount price
Apply a specific price (discount) to a specific product.
Set stock
Apply stock to a specific product.
Add a new image to a product
Add a new image to a an existing product based on its Id.
Add a new manufacturer
Add a new manufacturer.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the "HTTP Code Error 401" error mean and how can I fix it?
If your automated task shows the "HTTP Code Error 401" error, it may indicate a problem with your website's .htaccess file. A common solution is to add the following two lines just below the "RewriteEngine on" line in the .htaccess file:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)
RewriteRule . - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]
It is possible that these changes may be lost in the .htaccess file when you modify, add or remove permissions in the PrestaShop control panel. Therefore, it is important to check that these two lines are present after each change you make. Additionally, it is recommended that you make a backup of the .htaccess file before making any changes, as any errors in the file can cause problems on your website.