Get the next new product



Returns the next product from a search.

Information provided

When executed, this operation delivers the following data, which can be used in the same automatic task.

  • Tags

  • Product Id {{product_id}}

    Product ID assigned by WooCommerce.
    For example: 123

  • Name {{name}}

    Product name.
    For example: FullHD Monitor

  • Slug {{slug}}

    Part of the friendly URL used to uniquely identify a particular product.
    For example: fullhd-monitor

  • Permalink {{permalink}}

    Unique URL generated by WooCommerce for each particular product.
    For example:

  • Type {{type}}

    Type of product: Simple Product, Grouped Product, External/Affiliate Product or Variable Product.
    For example: external

  • Status {{status}}

    Status type: Draft, Pending, Private or Publish.
    For example: publish

  • Featured {{featured}}

    Whether the product is featured or not.
    For example: true

  • Description {{description}}

    Product description.
    For example: 1920x1080, IPS LED, 16:9, HDMI

  • Description Short {{description_short}}

    Product short description.
    For example: 1920x1080 - HDMI

  • Reference {{reference}}

    Product code or reference number.
    For example: fullhd-monitor

  • Price {{price}}

    Current price of the product. If the product is on sale it will contain the value indicated in {{sale_price}}, otherwise the value indicated in {{regular_price}}.
    For example: 75

  • Regular price {{regular_price}}

    Normal price of the product when it is not on sale.
    For example: 100

  • Sale price {{sale_price}}

    Offer price of the product when it is on sale.
    For example: 75

  • External URL {{external_url}}

    External or affiliate URL for 'external' product types.
    For example:

  • Image URL {{image_url}}

    URL of the main product image.
    For example:

  • Date created (GMT) {{date_created_gmt}}

    The date the product was created, as GMT.
    For example: 2023-02-22T09:20:48

  • Date modified (GMT) {{date_modified_gmt}}

    The date the product was last modified, as GMT.
    For example: 2023-02-22T09:20:48

  • Days since last modification {{days_since_modified}}

    Total number of days elapsed since the product was last modified.
    For example: 0

  • Stock status {{stock_status}}

    Controls the stock status of the product. Options: instock, outofstock, onbackorder.
    For example: instock

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