Get the next new coupon
Amazon Coupons
Returns the following coupon from the Amazon homepage sorted by discount percentage.
- The coupons you get with this integration are the ones found at this URL
- Available for Amazon Spain and Amazon USA.
- Returns the coupon link, description, ASIN, discount percentage or amount, and image.
- Returns the deal price, current price and the discount percentage applied.
- Every hour the coupons are updated, receiving up to a maximum of 100 coupons ordered from highest to lowest discount.
Information provided
When executed, this operation delivers the following data, which can be used in the same automatic task.
- ASIN {{asin}}
- Product URL {{url}}
- Image URL {{image_url}}
- Product title {{title}}
- Savings amount {{coupon_amount}}
- Savings Percentage {{coupon_percent_off}}
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