Get all recent unanswered messages
Extract all recent unanswered messages from a chat, along with the details of the most recent message overall, based on a defined time threshold. By 'recent unanswered message,' it refers to messages that were sent after the last time you wrote in the chat.
Information provided
When executed, this operation delivers the following data, which can be used in the same automatic task.
Post Id
Unique identifier of the most recent message in the chat
Chat Id
Unique identifier of the chat where the recent messages were posted
Message Thread Id
Unique identifier of the chat thread where the most recent message was posted
Content of the most recent message posted
Message HTML
Most recent message in HTML format if the message includes HTML tags. Otherwise, the content of this tag is identical to the {{message}} tag
Post Date-time
Date and time when the most recent message was posted
User Id
Unique identifier of the user who posted the most recent message
Seconds since publication
Seconds elapsed since the most recent message was posted
Post Number
Number of the most recent post
Total Unreplied Messages
Total number of unanswered messages
All Last Text Messages
All the latest text messages from different posts, separated by a period.
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