Automate tasks with Telegram

Automate tasks with your Telegram account.


The trigger is the event that starts the automation.


The action is what happens automatically, without you having to do anything else.

Common Errors

Chat not found

The chat ID provided in the automated task is incorrect, non-existent, or your Telegram user doesn't have access to it.

Note that some chat IDs may have the '-' symbol in front or the number '-100'.

You can view a list of all chats and IDs you have access to by clicking on the 'View Chats' link inside your automated task.

Telegram invitation links are not supported

You have specified a Telegram invitation link to a private group or channel in the automated task, which is not valid for this specific case.

You should specify a link to a public group or channel instead. Alternatively, you can provide the chat ID as a reference, but this specific functionality requires you to be subscribed to one of Botize's plans such as Automate, Scale, or Enterprise.

I receive the 'ERROR' message when completing the 'New Application' form on as part of the process to connect my personal Telegram account to Botize.

If you receive an error message while trying to connect your personal Telegram account to Botize, specifically at the step where you need to create an application on the website, the issue may be related to the data you are entering in the form.

Instead of writing 'Botize' in the 'App Title' and 'Short Name' fields or entering '' in the URL field, we suggest using a different name and a URL that belongs to you, such as the one for your business. This usually resolves the issue and allows you to proceed with the connection process.