Get the next new post in a chat
It is triggered every time there is a new message on a public/private group, channel or chat.
Allows you to read the content of any chat, including chats with download-protected content.
- Requires a user with access to the group/channel
- You don't need to register a Telegram bot.
- Necessary Automate, Scale or Enterprise Plan
Information provided
When executed, this operation delivers the following data, which can be used in the same automatic task.
Post Id
Unique identifier for the post or message
Chat Id
Unique identifier for the chat where the post was published
Message Thread Id
Unique identifier for the chat thread (topic) where the post was published
URL Message
URL address of the published message
Content of the published message
Message HTML
Message in HTML format if the message includes HTML tags. If not, the content of this tag is identical to that of the {{message}} tag
Post Date-time
Date and time when the post was published
Image URL
URL address of the image related to the post, video or post file
User Id
Unique identifier for the user who published the post
Reply to Message Id
Identifier of the message the post is responding to (if applicable)
Array containing information about the images attached to the post
Media 1
URL of the first image attached to the post (if applicable). This URL coincides with the one indicated in the {{image_url}} tag
Media 2
URL of the second attached image to the post (if applicable)
Media 3
URL of the third attached image to the post (if applicable)
Media 4
URL of the fourth attached image to the post (if applicable)
Media 5
URL of the fifth attached image to the post (if applicable)
Media 6
URL of the sixth attached image to the post (if applicable)
Media 7
URL of the seventh attached image to the post (if applicable)
Media 8
URL of the eighth attached image to the post (if applicable)
Media 9
URL of the ninth attached image to the post (if applicable)
Media 10
URL of the tenth attached image to the post (if applicable)
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to create a bot for each channel or group I copy?
It is not necessary. You can add the same Telegram bot that you have created with Botfather in two or more groups and channels.
Can I copy messages in more than one group or channel at the same time?
Yes, you can create a task for each group or channel, or you can do it within the same task by adding more steps.
How do I copy messages from two or more groups or channels at the same time?
Creating an automated task for each chat or using the option if there is a new post in 2 or more chats.
Why do I need to have a Scale or Automate plan?
Because it is required to install a cloud server connected to your Telegram account permanently.
Can I read, copy and download images, videos and files?
Yes, in addition to text messages, you can also read and download images, videos and files (up to 2GB), regardless of whether it is a public, private chat or if the content is protected against downloads.
Occasionally there may be files or chats whose content cannot be downloaded, generally due to the country in which it is located and firewall restrictions that prevent access from servers located in Europe.
However, please note that Telegram premium stickers cannot be read, copied, or reproduced in other chats.
Can I copy videos and files from one chat to another?
Due to the limitations of the Telegram API, when videos or files are smaller than 50MB, they will be copied from the source chat to the destination chat. However, if the size of a video/file exceeds 50MB, what will be sent to the destination chat is a direct link to the video/file for downloading.
How many groups or private channels can I read?
Around 50 chats
Is this tool allowed by Telegram?
Yes, we use the Official Telegram API to build an application with access to groups and private channels to which the Telegram account that you indicate is connected.
Is there some sort of limit to the number of files that can be downloaded?
When copying or downloading files from other chats, they will be temporarily stored on a 20GB disk. In case you run out of space, the older files will be automatically deleted to always keep 500 MB of free space available.
If you need to copy files of several gigabytes, you might require additional space.
What types of chats (channels, groups, bots, users,...) does it accept?
You can read and download the content of any Telegram chat, including public and private groups, public and private channels, users and other Telegram bots.
How fast are messages copied?
Messages are copied in a matter of seconds. However, please note that if they contain images, videos, or files, these will need to be downloaded first, which may cause some messages to take longer to copy.
Can I forward messages?
In Telegram, automatic forwarding of messages between chats, groups, and channels is only possible if the source and destination chat are both yours (you are the administrator) and you can add a bot within them for this purpose.
If you cannot forward messages because the source chat is not yours, what Telegram allows you to do is copy those messages (copy texts, images, videos, and files) to another chat.
How do I connect my Telegram account to Botize?
First, you need to subscribe to Botize Automate or Scale. Once you've done that, we'll set up access to Telegram for you within 6 to 12 hours and send you an email with a link to connect your personal Telegram account to Botize.
During the connection process, we use Telegram's official API, so you'll need to have the official Telegram app installed on your phone. However, you won't need to install, configure, or modify anything on your phone to make the connection.
When registering my number on the Telegram.org website, I receive the error 'Incorrect App Name'.
When registering your phone number on the Telegram.org website and it asks for an application name ('App Name'), you can enter any word or name that has not been used by another user and consists only of letters and numbers, without spaces or special characters.
Can I modify the text that I extract from a Telegram chat?
Yes, you can use tools like find/replace to modify the texts. You have a step-by-step video (Spanish) here.
Can't access the chat
The chat ID provided in the automated task is incorrect, non-existent, or your Telegram user doesn't have access to it.
Note that some chat IDs may have the '-' symbol in front or the number '-100'.
You can view a list of all chats and IDs you have access to by clicking on the 'View Chats' link inside your automated task.
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