Automatically Instantly if bot receives a text message

Whatsapp Business Cloud API


It is triggered every time a user sends a text mmessage to the bot.

Information provided

When executed, this operation delivers the following data, which can be used in the same automatic task.

  • Tags

  • From Phone number {{from_number}}

  • From User Name {{from_name}}

  • Message Id {{message_id}}

  • Message {{message_text}}

Frequently Asked Questions

Facebook shows the error 'You must provide a valid privacy policy URL to publish your app'

This error occurs when attempting to change the WhatsApp application from 'Development' mode to 'Live' mode in your Facebook panel (

Before Facebook allows this change, you must first go to the 'Basic Settings' section on Facebook and provide the URL for the web page where your privacy policy is located.

You must have a web page with a privacy policy section in order for Facebook to accept the transition to 'Live' mode.

Facebook shows the error 'Invalid privacy policy URL'

This error means that the privacy policy URL that you have provided in Facebook, within the basic settings of the WhatsApp Business application, is not valid.

This is a requirement of WhatsApp to ensure that users of your bot have access to your company's privacy policy and can consult it before using it.

As a result, the application that you have created on Facebook to access the WhatsApp Cloud Business API cannot be activated, remaining in 'developer' mode, which prevents your bot from receiving messages from other users and processing them.

To solve this problem, you must indicate in Facebook, within the 'Basic Configuration' section of your application, the URL of your business website corresponding to the section or subsection where the privacy policy is explained.

What does the 'Recipient phone number not in allowed list' error mean?

This error indicates that the phone number to which the bot is trying to send a message is not on the authorized recipients list on Facebook.

To fix this, you need to add the recipient's phone number to the authorized recipients list from the WhatsApp Cloud API settings section on Facebook.

To avoid having to add phone numbers in advance, put your Facebook application in 'Live' mode on the Facebook Developer Console, from

How does the billing system for conversations on WhatsApp Cloud Business work?

WhatsApp Cloud Business bills each conversation between a bot and a user according to the corresponding category. The categories that WhatsApp currently handles are: utility conversations, authentication conversations, marketing conversations, and service conversations.

Rates may vary depending on the country where the service is being used. For up-to-date information on conversation categories and rates, it is recommended to visit the official Facebook pricing page.

Common Errors

This task requires you to send a text message to your bot

To start this specific automation, you need to open WhatsApp, search for your bot in your contacts, and send it a text message.

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