Automatically Instantly when receiving a text message
Telegram Bot
It is triggered every time a user sends a text message to the bot or to a group/channel where the bot is located.
- You can choose to trigger the task for any message received or only for those that are preceded by a specific command (a word).
Information provided
When executed, this operation delivers the following data, which can be used in the same automatic task.
From User Id
ID of the user who sent the message.
Message Id
ID of the message.
Message Thread Id
Thread ID if the message comes from a group with various topics.
From name
First name of the user who sent the message.
From username
Username of the user who sent the message. By default, Telegram users don't have a username, so only people who have their phone number can send them messages. If a user has a username, anyone can send them messages through the link, and they will appear in Telegram search with their username.
From Chat Id
ID of the chat where the message was sent.
User message
Text of the message.
Reply to message Username
Username of the message being replied to.
Reply to message Text
Text of the message being replied to.
Type of message
Type of message.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I limit who can interact with my bot?
You can limit who can interact with your bot by using the 'Task runs when receiving updates from a specific user, group or channel' field in the bot's settings. This field allows you to specify specific users, groups or channels that are able to interact with the bot.
Why can't my bot see messages posted in a Telegram group?
By default, Telegram bots are configured not to listen to messages posted in groups. To allow your bot to see messages in the group, follow these steps:
- - In your Telegram app, search for the contact @Botfather and enter his chat.
- - Type the command /mybots in the chat to see the list of Telegram bots you have created.
- - Select the corresponding bot from the list.
- - Tap on the 'Group Privacy' option.
- - Make sure the 'Privacy Mode' option is set to 'Off' so your bot can listen to messages posted by other users in the group.
Can I pass data to an automatic task that is triggered when a user presses a button?
Yes, by receiving the command from the pressed button in the same task that displays the buttons and then calling to execute the corresponding task as shown in the following video
Common Errors
Bad Request: file is too big
Telegram does not allow bots to download files whose size exceeds 20MB.
Due to this Telegram limitation, messages sent to the bot with an attached file or document that exceeds this size cannot be processed.
This task requires you to send a message to your bot with text, an image, video, or an attached file
To start this specific automation, you need to open Telegram, search for your bot in your contacts, and send it a text message.
If you have also selected the option 'Only runs when receiving messages from a specific user, group, or channel,' you will need to send the message from the chat you have specified.
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